richard kozak in Chinese
click here to translate "richard kozak" by computers
- kozak
- 科扎克; 克柴
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- dmitry kozak
- 德米特里科扎克
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- karl kozak
- 卡尔.科查克
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- richard
- n. 理查德〔姓氏,男子名〕。 Richard Roe 【法律】诉讼中不知姓名的当事人〔参见 John Doe〕。 Richard's himself again. 又是好好的理查德了〔指从疾病、失望、恐怖中恢复正常〕。
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- alison richard
- 爱丽森理查德
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What is the meaning of richard kozak in Chinese and how to say richard kozak in Chinese? richard kozak Chinese meaning, richard kozak的中文,richard kozak的中文,richard kozak的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by